Stable isotope labeling methods hold great potential for many applications in the life and biomedical sciences. It was 20 years ago when John Yates’ laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute developed ‘Stable Isotope Labeling of Mammals’ (SILAM)1. The method was initially designed and primarily applied for relative protein quantification by mass spectrometry using 15N-labeled rodent specimens as a reference.
Subsequently the SILAM method was extended to other applications including the analysis of protein turnover, the identification of long-lived proteins, tissue imaging by ‘Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry’ (NanoSIMS) and metabolomics analyses2-17.
In the webinar Dr Christoph Turck presents examples for the many uses of SILAM biospecimens that were generated by labeling rodents with Silantes diets.
Watch the Webinar from June 18th, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Christoph W. Turck
Director, Proteomics Platform
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
More information about Dr. Turck
Research Interests
Research in my laboratory continues to center on the identification of biosignatures for psychiatric and neurogenerative disorders using -omics technologies to delineate affected molecular pathways. Our goal is to complement imprecise clinical parameters with molecular biosignatures to improve patient diagnosis, stratification and treatment. Towards this objective, we collaborate with behavioral scientists as well as clinical scientists at the Kunming Institute of Zoology and elsewhere.
Equally important, and near and dear to my heart, is the development and implementation of new technologies and biomarker sources to study molecular mechanisms involved in brain physiology and disease. In this regard, a recent focus has been on exosomes from peripheral body specimens. There are several advantages when it comes to using exosomes for diagnostic applications. They can be isolated non-invasively, their membranous structure stabilizes interior contents, and they represent a proxy of the cells they are derived from, which is particularly relevant for brain disorder biomarker identification efforts. Learn more.
Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Christoph Turck
- 1983 Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) Peptide Chemistry, University of Aachen, Germany
- 1981 Dipl. Chem., Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Aachen, Germany
- 1978 IAESTE Industrial Traineeship, AB Volvo, R&D, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 1975 IAESTE Industrial Traineeship, Hellenic Aspropyrgos Refinery, Quality Control. Athens, Greece
Professional experience
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2023-Present Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2023-Present Director, Proteomics Platform, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany
- 2002-2022 Head, Proteomics and Biomarkers
- 2003-Present Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
- 2004-2023 Faculty, International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Life Sciences
- 2009-Present Faculty, Graduate Program of Systemic Neurosciences, University of Munich
- 2015-2022 Faculty, International Max Planck Research School for Translational Psychiatry
- 2019-Present Adjunct Faculty, CAS-MPG Partner Institute of Computational Biology, Shanghai
Learn more about Dr. Turck’s CV and publications.