Lysine(6)-labeled Mouse Ovary

3.760  plus VAT, plus delivery

Quantity: 100mg

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– Isotopic enrichment for 13C-Lysine > 97 atom %


– Strain: C57BL/6

13C-Lys-labeled for at least 2 generations (F2)

– This product is a wet tissue

Dry ice shipment required.

Silantes GmbH provides metabolically labeled tissues of mice fed with labeled diets produced and developed in-house.



USE CASES OF THE SILAM AMINO ACID MOUSE DIET SILANTES IN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Complete labeling of oocytes): Harasimov, K., Gorry, R. L., Welp, L. M., Penir, S. M., Horokhovskyi, Y., Cheng, S., Takaoka, K., Stützer, A., Frombach, A., Tavares, A. L. T., Raabe, M., Haag, S., Saha, D., Grewe, K., Schipper, V., Rizzoli, S. O., Urlaub, H., Liepe, J., & Schuh, M. (2024). The maintenance of oocytes in the mammalian ovary involves extreme protein longevity. Nature Cell Biology, 26(7), 1124–1138. • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of sceletal mucle tissue): Bock, T., Türk, C., Aravamudhan, S. et al. PERM1 interacts with the MICOS-MIB complex to connect the mitochondria and sarcolemma via ankyrin B. Nat Commun 12, 4900 (2021). • Silantes Lys8-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of liver, skeletal muscle, cartilage, mucosa, and blood): Rolfs, Z., Frey, B.L., Shi, X. et al. An atlas of protein turnover rates in mouse tissues. Nat Commun 12, 6778 (2021). • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of spinal cord tissue): Meschkat, M., Steyer, A.M., Weil, MT. et al. White matter integrity in mice requires continuous myelin synthesis at the inner tongue. Nat Commun 13, 1163 (2022). • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Complete labeling of heart tissue): Aravamudhan, S., Türk, C., Bock, T., Keufgens, L., Nolte, H., Lang, F., Krishnan, R. K., König, T., Hammerschmidt, P., Schindler, N., Brodesser, S., Rozsivalova, D. H., Rugarli, E., Trifunovic, A., Brüning, J., Langer, T., Braun, T., & Krüger, M. (2021). Phosphoproteomics of the developing heart identifies perm1 – an outer mitochondrial membrane protein. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 154, 41–59. • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of kidney tissue): Rinschen, M. M., Gödel, M., Grahammer, F., Zschiedrich, S., Helmstädter, M., Kretz, O., Zarei, M., Braun, D. A., Dittrich, S., Pahmeyer, C., Schroder, P., Teetzen, C., Gee, H., Daouk, G., Pohl, M., Kuhn, E., Schermer, B., Küttner, V., Boerries, M., Huber, T. B. (2018). A multi-layered quantitative in vivo expression atlas of the podocyte unravels kidney disease candidate genes. Cell Reports, 23(8), 2495–2508. • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labling of kidney tissue): Rinschen, M. M., Palygin, O., El-Meanawy, A., Domingo-Almenara, X., Palermo, A., Dissanayake, L. V., Golosova, D., Schafroth, M. A., Guijas, C., Demir, F., Jaegers, J., Gliozzi, M. L., Xue, J., Hoehne, M., Benzing, T., Kok, B. P., Saez, E., Bleich, M., Himmerkus, N., Staruschenko, A. (2022). Accelerated lysine metabolism conveys kidney protection in salt-sensitive hypertension. Nature Communications, 13(1). • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of epithelial cells and mucus along the gastrointestinal tract): Arike, L., Seiman, A., van der Post, S., Rodriguez Piñeiro, A. M., Ermund, A., Schütte, A., Bäckhed, F., Johansson, M. E. V., Hansson, G. C. (2020). Protein turnover in epithelial cells and mucus along the gastrointestinal tract is coordinated by the spatial location and microbiota. Cell Reports, 30(4). • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of brain tissue): Andrews, B., Murphy, A. E., Stofella, M., Maslen, S., Almeida-Souza, L., Skehel, J. M., Skene, N. G., Sobott, F., Frank, R. A. W. (2022). Multidimensional Dynamics of the proteome in the neurodegenerative and aging mammalian brain. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 21(2), 100192. • Silantes Lys6-SILAM diet (Time dependent labeling of muscle tissue): Kallabis S, Abraham L, Müller S, Dzialas V, Türk C, Wiederstein JL, Bock T, Nolte H, Nogara L, Blaauw B, Braun T, Krüger M. High-throughput proteomics fiber typing (ProFiT) for comprehensive characterization of single skeletal muscle fibers. Skelet Muscle. 2020 Mar 23;10(1):7. doi: 10.1186/s13395-020-00226-5. PMID: 32293536; PMCID: PMC7087369 USE CASES OF THE SILAM 13C AND 15N MOUSE DIET FROM SILANTES IN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: • Silantes 15N SILAM diet (Imaging using NanoSims, time dependent proteomics of retina tissue): Bonnin, E. A., Fornasiero, E. F., Lange, F., Turck, C. W., & Rizzoli, S. O. (2021). NanoSIMS observations of mouse retinal cells reveal strict metabolic controls on nitrogen turnover. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, 22(1). • Silantes 15N SILAM diet (time dependent targeted metabolomics and proteomics): Weckmann, K., Deery, M. J., Howard, J. A., Feret, R., Asara, J. M., Dethloff, F., Filiou, M. D., Labermaier, C., Maccarrone, G., Lilley, K. S., Mueller, M., & Turck, C. W. (2018). Ketamine’s effects on the glutamatergic and GABAergic systems: A proteomics and metabolomics study in mice. Complex Psychiatry, 5(1), 42–51. • Silantes 15N-SILAM diet (time dependent targeted metabolomics and proteomics, brain tissue, hippocampus tissue, blood tissue, plasma): Zhang, Y., Filiou, M. D., Reckow, S., Gormanns, P., Maccarrone, G., Kessler, M. S., Frank, E., Hambsch, B., Holsboer, F., Landgraf, R., & Turck, C. W. (2011). Proteomic and metabolomic profiling of a trait anxiety mouse model implicate affected pathways. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 10(12). • Silantes 15N-SILAM diet (complete labeling of brain tissue, proteomics): Klingener, Michael, et al. “N-Cadherin Promotes Recruitment and Migration of Neural Progenitor Cells from the SVZ Neural Stem Cell Niche into Demyelinated Lesions.” The Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 34, no. 29, 16 July 2014, pp. 9590–9606, . • Silantes 15N-SILAM diet (time dependent labeling in slowly proliferative tissues, proteomics): John Hasper, Kevin Welle, Jennifer Hryhorenko, Sina Ghaemmaghami, Abigail Buchwalter Turnover and replication analysis by isotope labeling (TRAIL) reveals the influence of tissue context on protein and organelle lifetimes. Mol Syst Biol. (2023) 19: e11393 RELEVANT BLOG ARTICLES: • Quantitative Proteomics Explained: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges: • Quantitative Proteomics: Comparing the Big Three – iTRAQ, TMT, and SILAC: • Quantitative Proteomics: Label-Free versus Label-Based Methods: • Understanding the Role of Mass Spectrometry in Metabolomics: • Understanding Proteomics: A Comprehensive Guide to the Various Types: • A Proteomics and Metabolomics Study using 15N-SILAM mouse diet: RELEVANT WEBINARS: • Proteomics using SILAC presented by Prof. Dr. Marcus Krüger: • Multiplexing with isotopic labels for DDA and DIA in MaxQuant presented by Dr. Jürgen Cox: • Stable Isotope Labeling of Mammals presented by Dr. Christoph Turck: